Parish Churches

Church of Nossa Senhora da Anunciada, Aldeia de Paio Pires
The visitation report of Santiago Military Order, held in 1564-1565, already mentioned the Chapel of Nossa Senhora da Anunciada of Aldeia de Paio Pires. The present temple result, most likely, of the expansion, reconstruction or even the replacing of the primitive building. The parish was established in 1802. The plan of the current building appears to date from the first half of the 19th century. In the late 1980’s or early 1990’s, the Aldeia de Paio Pires Parish preceded to the temple’s internal remodeling of the wall covering and floor.
Among the temple’s existing imaginary, Nossa Senhora da Anunciada stands out, which locals described as "Santa Regalona" (lazy), for being the only one sitting in the litter, among all the images participating in the various processions of the municipality. Can still be seen other images, emphasizing St. Francis Xavier, Our Lady of Consolation and the Immaculate Conception.
Accessibility: the aisle and part of the direct involving area are accessible to people with disabilities
Address: Largo Alfredo José Almeida Lima, Aldeia de Paio Pires
Access is conditioned
Church of Nossa Senhora do Monte Sião, Amora
The date of construction of the Church of Nossa Senhora Monte Sião is unknown. However, the visitation report of Santiago Military Order, held in 1478 and 1564/1565, respectively, mentioned a church of Santa Maria da Amora. The first parish registers are from 1608, so the parish should have been established by that time. Most of the present building dates, probably, from the late 18th century, thus resulting from the reconstruction carried out after the November 1, 1755 earthquake, which caused major damage to the temple.
Among the existing imaginary, and besides the Patron Saint, Nossa Senhora de Monte Sião, stands out the images of Saint Therese, Saint Filomena and Our Lady of Sorrows.
The Church of Nossa Senhora de Monte Sião was Amora parish church until 2007, when this function changed to the new Church of Beato Scalabrini, in Cruz de Pau.
Accessibility: the aisle and part of the direct involving area are accessible to people with disabilities
Address: Largo da Igreja, Amora
Access is conditioned
Church of Nossa Senhora da Consolação, Arrentela
The parish church of Arrentela, classified as Building of Public Interest since 1977, is a single aisle temple with longitudinal plant, composed by the aisle juxtaposed parts, chancel and several dependencies.
There are no certainties regarding the time of its construction, however it’s mentioned a Church of Santa Maria da Arrentela in the visitation report of Santiago Military Order, held in 1478 and 1564-1565. The present chancel, may remount to the Manueline period – 16th century. However, the aisle construction shows influences of the Baroque period (18th century), with some typical elements of the Mannerist period.
It has suffered severe damage during the 1755 earthquake and the reconstruction was completed two years later, with the relocation of the bell tower. Concerning the decorative line, it must be emphasized the 18th century tile panels with scenes from Virgin Mary life; the ceiling in polychrome stucco relief, painted according to the fresco technique, depicting, among others, a miracle attributed to the Patron Saint, Nossa Senhora da Consolação, the Four Evangelists and the twelve Virtues; the throne high altar, with gilded altarpiece and solomonic columns; the meticulous worked tabernacle; and the altar front with a painting alluding to the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. The choir dates from 1792 and the pipe organ from 1794. The temple suffered important rehabilitation works in 1975 and between 2002 and 2004.
On the church existing imaginary, and besides the Patron Saint, it stands out Nossa Senhora da Soledade, to whom is assigned a miraculous intervention in calming the tsunami following the November 1, 1755 earthquake, which threatened to destroy the town. The people devotion is perpetuated in the procession that, for two and a half centuries, traverses the streets of Arrentela annually. The original image was destroyed by a fire in 1949, but the population quickly promoted the making of the present one. Are still worthy of mention the images of St. Peter, St. John the Baptist and Saint Anne.
Accessibility: the aisle and the south and west parts of the direct surroundings are accessible to people with disabilities.
Address: Largo do Agro, Calçada da Boa-Hora, Arrentela
Access is conditioned
Church of Nossa Senhora da Graça, Corroios
The visitation report of Santiago Military Order, held in 1564-1565, mentioned the curial chapel of Nossa Senhora da Graça in the Place of Corroios. The primitive parish church (already existing in the 15th century, according to remains in the underground graves), as collapsed during the November 1, 1755 earthquake. The parish, with documented existence already in 1379, was dissolved on September 16, 1854, by alleged state of ruin of the parish church. After the (re) acquisition of the church by the Patriarchate of Lisbon, in the 1940’s, the reconstruction would be completed in 1957.
In the church direct surroundings, there is a necropolis from the medieval-modern period, basically from the 15th to 17th century.
Accessibility: the aisle and part of the direct involving area are accessible to people with disabilities
Address: Rua de Nossa Senhora da Graça, Corroios
Access is conditioned
Church of Nossa Senhora da Conceição, Seixal
The parish church of Nossa Senhora da Conceição, inaugurated in 1728, replaced the older chapel with the same invocation that was located a few meters away, and was no longer enough for Seixal growing population. In 1734, the parish of Seixal was established. When the earthquake of November 1, 1755 occurred the temple suffered major damage. The repair works were lengthy, having just been completed in 1762.
The ceiling central medallion represents the Patron Saint, Nossa Senhora da Conceição and the two lateral, smaller, the Apostles St. Peter and St. Paul, respectively. As a result of temple conservation works, carried out in 1904, these paintings were restored by the painter José Maria Pereira Junior, who signed with the pseudonym Pereira Cão. The chancel features at the top of the side walls, four 18th century oil paintings of Italian influence, depicting the "Annunciation", the "Visitation", "St. John the Evangelist in Patmos" and the "Apparition of the Angel to St. Peter".
The church underwent conservation works, and sometimes, of remodeling, in 1856, 1904, in the 1970’s and 1980’s and in 2010.
Accessibility: the aisle and part of the direct involving area are accessible to people with disabilities
Address: Largo da Igreja, Seixal
Access is conditioned
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